Keep up with Ionic Industries

Ionic is built on the strength of our relationships and our collaborative approach to R&D and commercialisation of technologies. In keeping with this we aim to keep all our shareholders, friends and allies up to date with what we’re doing (to the extent possible without compromising commercially sensitive information). You can find all the latest updates on Ionic's presentations, research and planning.

Ionic August Update

Its been a busy period with some good media exposure, conference participation, important research progress and working through the tax office processes for our investors’ taxation benefits. August has been a busy period on a number of fronts for Ionic. Following our highly successful rights issue, we have been busy negotiating with the Australian Taxation […]

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Graphene Energy Storage for the Internet of Things

On Thursday last week (17 August), Ionic Industries Managing Director, Simon Savage addressed the “Internet of Smart Materials” Conference. The conference was a wonderful success and represents the type of collaboration and sharing of ideas that will be critical in driving the transformation of the Australian economy into a technology-enabled, knowledge economy. The presentation materials […]

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